
I am an orthodontist specialised in discrete methods such as Invisalign. I specialize in orthodontics for young people, but my patients are of all ages.
I graduated from University of Helsinki in 1979. After gaining considerable experience in general dentistry, I continued my studies in University of Oslo (1994-1997) from where I graduated as an orthodontist. I highly value continuous learning about orthodontics and refining my working methods, and I constantly study new techniques to be able to provide my patients with the best possible quality and a wide variety of treatment options.
I worked in the UK for ten years in one of the leading practices of the country, where I gained experience in techniques which were still less known in Finland at the time. I was the first Invisalign Diamond orthodontist in the Nordic countries.
I’ve held numerous talks and training sessions in Finland and abroad. I’m an Invisalign trainer and the Nordic representative in the Invisalign European Advisory Board.

University of Helsinki 1973-1979 HLL degree
University of Oslo 1994-1997 EHL degree (correcting)
My teacher of orthodontics in Oslo, prof. Björn Zachrisson is one the world’s most respected teachers of high-quality clinical orthodontics.

Validity of the Demirjian method for dental age Estimation when applied to Norwegian children (link to publication)
Roy Nykänen, Lisen Espeland, Sigrid I. Kvaal and Olaf Krogstad
Department of Orthodontics and Department of Oral Pathology, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Poster: European Orthodox Congress, Valencia 1997
Professional networks
Positions in professional organizations
Finnish Association of Biomedicine, Member of the Board, 2yrs
Board member of the Finnish Dental Implant Association, 2yrs
founding member of the implant department of the Finnish Dental Association
Board member of the British Lingual Orthodontic Society, 2yrs
Membership on professional organizations
Finnish Dental Association
Member of the Psychology Division and Member of the Board, 2y.
Member of the WFO
Member of the British Orthodontic Society 2005-2013
AAO (American Association of Orthodontics)
EAS (European Aligner Society)
SEDA (Spanish Association for Aligner Orthodontics)
Conference presentations and other lectures
Lower arch crowding, Oslo 1997
Orthodontic lectures at Stadin AO, Helsinki 1998-2008
British Lingual Orthodontic Soceity, Using Fiberglass Fibers in Lingual Orthodontics, London 2004,
SUHAT (New Challenges in Oral Health Care), Orthodontic Arrangements in England, Helsinki 2011
Finnish Dental Days, Twin block activator and Invisalign lecture, Helsinki 2012
Several lectures in Helsinki for dentists and orthodontists on new orthodontic technicians 2013-
Lecture on Invisalign technology for orthodontists Turku 2014, 2015 and Damon technology 2013
Invisalign trainer 2015-2019